no b.s.
below is a quick-list of common candle ingredients known or suspected to cause bodily harm that you will never find in Earthglow candles
Phthalates: 75% of candles contain these salts or esters of phthalic acid. They are linked to breast, liver, and other cancers, disruption of hormone activity, reproductive malformation, diabetes, and obesity.
Toxins: There are several different categories of toxins, and we keep both of them out of our products. Acute toxins: Highly dangerous chemicals or biological substances that cause adverse effects from either a single exposure or a series of exposures within 24 hours. Organ toxins: Chemicals that adversely effect specific organs or organ systems (e.g. respiratory toxins, cardiovascular toxins, immunotoxins, dermal toxins etc.).
Carcinogens: These are materials known or thought to cause cancer, including everything on Prop. 65. If a chemical is thought to cause cancer in CA, it isn't any safer elsewhere. Most commercial candles contain these in the form of various components in their fragrance oil.
Mutagens: Agents (physical or chemical) that alter the genetic constitution, usually DNA, of a cell. Mutagens are linked to a host of diseases including cancer.
We believe a candle that is kind to the earth and to you is a candle with soul.
We believe crafting is not a means to an end in a product but a verdant dosing of nature solidified in wax and slowly released while burning.
We believe in asymmetry, roughness, simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty, intimacy, and appreciation of the ingenuous integrity of natural objects and processes.
We believe the care and intention with which a candle was prepared is directly proportionate to the experience it provides.
We believe in creating spaces that evoke a sense of calm and contemplation.
We believe fragrance must create an aesthetic that is intimately familiar and refreshingly new.
We believe the future of luxury lies in the hands of artisans whose mind is open like a blank canvas.
We believe observing a candle flickering in quiet space is an act of meditation.
We believe that artisanal pieces with subtle variations add character and authenticity to interiors and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the human touch in your/our homes.
We believe artisanal decor invites us to rethink our relationship with the objective world and prioritize spaces which focus on natural materials.
We believe in chemistry and intimacy in our homes—hand-grown plants, ancient rocks and minerals, a well-poured latte, artisanal candles.
We believe our candles not only connect you/us to earth, but also imbue our spaces with a sense of grounded tranquility and authenticity.
We believe that words are created in the mind and fragrance is rooted in nature, so forget our manifesto and allow our candles to narrate their own tales..